Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

Not much of a story behind this.
I just wanted something that I would feel proud of saying when someone asked me what my blog was called, I wanted something that's clever and interesting.

Something girly with the word 'glamor' or 'makeup' in it just isn't me. So i chose 'Girl meets world' something i can stick with for the long run and not have to change it. I also feel like with a name like that it leaves everything open for posting. This way I can post reviews about makeup or fashion and then also switch back to everyday life. Not saying if your blog name is _______'s beauty blog or whatever you can't do that, but I just feel as if with this blog name, anything is possible.

I just wish i could have the proper URL; instead of but someone has taken it and doesn't even use their blog! *annoying*


  1. Girl meets world is super suitable.
    And did u change ur header? Its SOOOO cute!!

  2. Lol, I was wondering why you had two ll in your blog url...

    Yishi x
