The lovely Kathleen from inspirafashion has given me the versatile blogger award. :) Sorry this was so late!!
Rules are:
* Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award: So once again thank you so much Kathleen! :D
* Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
Cheap Thrills
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
Freckles and Fudge
Kate's Irrelevant.
Fishnets & Hip Checks
Only Half Dressed
Little Bee
Nerdy Girl
Bonjour, bbydoll
Girl Anachronism
Girl Next Door Fashion
Donna Dell
Color Me Katie
* Share 7 things about yourself.
-My favorite movies are, Day After Tomorrow, Signs, War of The Worlds, Resident Evil, and All of the Harry Potter series. Very random mix.
-I love drinking coca-cola, i drink it a lot, i should be ashamed..
-My favorite food is pizza, i could eat it all the time.
-I've been on again off again with my boyfriend since we we're 14. We tried again when we we're 17 and have been dating since. We are now 19 btw.
-I usually do mass amounts of research before buying anything.
-I treat my two cats like princesses haha
-I always like to cook for people but i would never cook as a career, i hate it. (And yes i've tried it.)
Also I finally filled my MAC pallet and i put the 4 extras i don't use in the quad i have. yay!